Wednesday 4 April 2012

Laugh It Off: A love letter from a mechanic to a pepper seller.

I found this on  a friend's facebook wall and feel I should share it with you on a lighter note.....please enjoy

Hello Girl,
I want to write u dis letter. Becos everyday I saw u opposite with my workshop. U saw me & I also saw u everyday. But I hav wash u 4 a severally time now. The way ur behaviour is nor good for me. I want to take u as a good garl friend. Because ur beautyfool garl in Dis awa town. So I luv u like butafly luv a flower. Errrmmmmmm, but on...e thing is dat, I want to talk to u but u don't half tym. Dat is y I shouldn't came &
 talk to u. If u tink dat u cannot read d letter, just phone me & gave me d reply or d answer! I ham doned. Good byeeeeee.
Yours forever,
Mechanical Engineerer. Ebubedike.

I rily soprice for ur leta. I saw u wen u saw me but I shy and I look down. The way my hart is doin me I want to folo u but I kannot left my peppe becus this is where I shop. I want to phone u but you have to resharge me. Ur leta have rily tosh me. If u come to my compand I will mit u for backayard.
ur hart,

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