Curled from Punch newspaper
President Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday sought “honest feedback” from Nigerians on claims by the Ministry of Power that the nation’s energy situation had improved significantly. Last week, the Minister of Power, Prof. Barth Nnaji, had told Nigerians that generation rose to 4237MW at 9p.m on August 6.But, in a move to get a direct feel of the impact of the improved supply on the people, Jonathan through his media team on Wednesday asked Nigerians to choose from three options in a survey.
In a post on Twitter by his Special Assistant on New Media, Mr. Reno Omokri, wrote, “Has the power situation in your area A. Improved B.Remained the same or C. Deteriorated. Please give honest feedback.”
Nigerians are expected to give the feedback by Twitter (@renoomokri) or Facebook.
uuuhm mine is "A" oooo, it hs over improve sef, am sooo enjoying power supply now