I do not understand why this revelation is coming, but one of the Navy SEALs that killed Osama Bin Laden in a stealth operation outside the shores of the United States has written a book about the operation. The book which should give a first hand account of how the former Al-Qaeda chief was killed. The SEAL is revealed as Bissonnette gave the account in the book as quoted by Washinton Post below.
Bissonnette says he was directly behind a “point man” going up the stairs in the pitch black hallway. “Less than five steps” from top of the stairs, he heard “suppressed” gunfire: “BOP. BOP.” The point man had seen a “man peeking out of the door” on the right side of the hallway.
The author writes that bin Laden ducked back into his bedroom and the SEALs followed, only to find the terrorist crumpled on the floor in a pool of blood with a hole visible on the right side of his head and two women wailing over his body.
Bissonnette says the point man pulled the two women out of the way and shoved them into a corner and he and the other SEALs trained their guns’ laser sites on bin Laden’s still-twitching body, shooting him several times until he lay motionless. The SEALs later found two weapons stored by the doorway, untouched, the author said.
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