Saturday 11 August 2012

My Prayer For You - By: Damian Uzoma-Nwosu (Another Story Everyone Must Read)


I copied this great but short story from Malam Nasir El-Rufai's Facebook page and feel the need to share it with you dear readers please enjoy and share widely.

There was a Farmer who collected horses; he only needed one more breed to complete his collection. One day, he found out that his neighbour had the particular horse breed he needed. So, he constantly bothered his neighbour until he sold it to him. A month later, the horse became ill and he called the veterinarian, who said; "Well, your horse has a virus. He must take this medicine for three days. I’ll come back on the 3rd day and if he’s not better,we’re going to have to put him down." Nearby, the pig listened closely to their conversation. The next day, they gave him the medicine and left. The pig approached the horse and said; "Be strong, my friend. Get up or else they’re going to put you to sleep!" On the second day, they gave him the medicine and left. The pig came back and said; "Come on buddy, get up or else you're going to die! Come on, I'll help you get up. Let’s go! One, two, three..." On the third day, they came to give him the medicine and the vet said: "Unfortunately, we’re going to have to put him down tomorrow. Otherwise, the virus might spread and infect the other horses." After they left, the pig approached the horse and said; "Listen pal, it's now or never! Get up, come on! Have courage! Come on! Get up! Get up! That’s it, slowly! Great! Come on,one, two, three.. Good, good. Now faster, come on.... Fantastic! Run, run more! Yes! Yes! Yes! You did it, you’re a champion!"

All of a sudden, the owner came back, saw the horse running in the field and started shouting; "It’s a miracle! My horse is cured. This deserves a party. Let's kill the pig!

This often happens in the workplace, church and our daily lives. Nobody truly knows which employee/person actually deserves the merit of success, or who’s actually contributing the necessary support to make things happen. MY PRAYER FOR YOU THIS WEEK IS, may your GLORY never be taken by another man. In Jesus name, say AMEN!


  1. Nice one, may no man take my glory.

  2. a very big Amen to that. interesting story.
